Fairytale land.

I love the scene I see when I get off the bus, and onto the corner of my street.

As I walk on the snowy sidewalk towards our driveway, the trees sort of make an arch for me to walk under. The sun turns everything a pinkish-orange. The wind slightly blows, as if it were greeting you with a friendly hello. The birds in the trees play along, and sing their little songs. My footsteps make me feel like i'm floating, each step having a different aura. I reach our driveway, and walk to the front door. It opens, I walk inside, and it's back to reality.

This is my most favorite part of the day.


I really don't like assumptions.

I hate feeling confused. I would rather feel a cat, scraping it's claws up my arm, and then pouring alcohol over the bleeding cuts, rather than to feel confused. It bugs me. It's not a great feeling when you don't know what's happening in life. In a world this big, you should get lost enough. I don't need to get lost and confused for small things like this. UGH. LOVE IS PAIN.

How's school ? It's pretty good. It's killing me for sure. Hence why my mother is accusing me of living like a dead person. Pftt.
I come home > straight to my room > do work for about 4 hours > Shower > Snack on whatever I can find to eat > Do more work > Toothbrush > SLEEP. All of that in about 15 hours. Trust me, it might sound like a lot of time, but not when you only get 4-5 hours of sleep.

I'll start posting poems on my other blog again soon. Very soon :)

okay g'night.

It's been a while.

It's been a while.

So much has changed :
The people, my friends, my family, and even myself. I guess when your environment starts to change, you yourself can't help but go with the flow, and you just eventually just change into something new as well.
It's weird.
I have friends who I've known for tons of years, and now, you can't catch us talking to each other. Yet, I have friends who I've never spoken to before, but now we're all together 24/7. It's really interesting how everything can change so suddenly.
I MISS MY PAST. I wish my past would just come back. This past week, I was really feeling my past coming back. Which, left my neglecting my present. As much as I feel horrible about that, I couldn't help but just try to find that piece to get me back to my past. I miss my friends. I miss my life. I miss everything.

School's going down the drain, grandparents in the hospital, missing my past, wishes gone to waste, choices too much of a burden. These are all events that have happened to me in 6 months.

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